• Flutter Drawer Widget Explained with Code Examples (2024)

    Want to show a beautifully animated sidebar to put navigation buttons or other custom Flutter widgets? Then Flutter drawer widget is what you need. Here, we’ll discuss what the drawer widget is, and practically explain its parameters with Flutter code examples. So, let’s jump right into it. Overview of Flutter Drawer Widget It’s a sidebar…

  • Bottom Sheet in Flutter Code Examples (Modal, Persistent)

    Let’s make our app super beautiful and user-friendly with the bottom sheet in Flutter. I’ll discuss the 2 types of bottom sheets and their parameters with practical Flutter code examples for better understanding. Let’s make our app super beautiful and user-friendly with the bottom sheet in Flutter. So, let’s understand its types and its practical…

  • How to use Flutter ShowDialog | Code Examples

    If you want to display an ad popup, confirmation box, or something that would take the attention of the user, then the Flutter showDialog function is what you need. We can display a Flutter widget in it which will be shown on the screen as modal overlay above other widgets. This showDialog function and its…

  • Carousel Slider Flutter Explained

    Want to show images or other media with beautiful sliding animation in your Flutter app? Don’t worry, the carousel slider Flutter will solve this problem. Its main feature is to slider the items horizontally. It can either move automatically or you can control it by swiping. We’ll practically understand how to import and use carousel…

  • How to use Flutter Stack Widget

    Want to make Flutter widgets on top of each other to make the design eye-catching and position them accordingly? Then Flutter stack widget is available to solve your problem. By using this widget, you can easily put as many widgets as you want on top of each other. Let’s practically understand how to use stack…

  • Flutter Popup Menu Button Widget Explained

    Sometimes showing more items covers most of the width or height of Flutter app’s screen, leaving less or no space for other items. Flutter popup menu button widget solves this problem by putting all these items in its menu popup. This widget has multiple parameters through which we can customize the appearance of it as…